Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's begun. READY, SET, RUN!

Last January, after much convincing, I joined my Stephens House friend of old, M., in California where we ran our first half marathon. I had no desire to run; a race more than 10K was never on my radar. In fact, after graduating, I ran my first 5 mile race in 2005, won a trophy and two months later, basically, stopped training altogether. But, M. and I met our good friend W. in CA and enjoyed one of the most rewarding days ever. It didn't hurt that it was winter in New England and the trip to CA was Awe-some!

In any event, running is a family tradition. Mom has been running for-ever. I remember riding my bike along side her when I was just off training wheels.

Apparently, signing up for crazy things is also a family tradition. My mother ran her first marathon a few years ago after learning that even though she could get a number for the Philly half marathon, she would be charged full marathon price. Having neither run a half or a full marathon before, having run only 10 miles in the past few months, she completed the marathon.

So, here I am.

Two weeks of getting my butt out of bed to run before work, I'm signed up and ready to run the Boston in order to raise money for Boston Medical Center, a safety net hospital located in Boston's South End. BMC is a private institution, with a public mission of exceptional care, without exception. That's public health lingo meaning we care for any child, adult or family regardless of their ability to pay for care (yes, even with healthcare reform paying for care is STILL a problem). The hospital supports 70 sub-specialties and a multitude of social service programs, including the only hospital based Preventive Food Pantry in the country, a Grow Clinic, Robotic assisted surgery in cardiology and neurosurgery, the Kids Fund, the Medical Legal Partnership for Children, and MUCH more.

I am at the starting blocks. Here I go: Ready, Set, RUN!


Allie said...

Go Devon!

kristen marie said...

You're awesome! Good luck!

J.Guth said...

oh devon, rock on! just yesterday, i was working at the tutoring center, explaining areas and volumes to a woman who runs marathons. she was encouraging me to run, too. 'anyone can do it,' she said. 'you just need to train.' 'i can't do that!' i said. 'one time, a long time ago, actually, i used to be really good at running,' i said, 'but then, i don't know, i just stopped being good at it.' and i realized i sounded exactly like my students, who all say: 'i can't understand calculus. i don't know. one time, a long time ago, in high school, actually, i used to be really good at math, but then, i don't know what happened. it's just not something i can do.' and i always say, 'of course you can do calculus! it just takes practice' but maybe i should run the marathon...
let me know where to pledge, devon. you amaze me,
jenny guth.

Amy said...

Amazing Devon! You're an inspiration. Way to make 27 memorable. I won't be able to join you in this admirable journey because I'll still be in London (gee, um, darn) but I'll certainly be following your progress. Perhaps 'M' will sign up and 'W' may fly east to support again?!